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Everyone needs a holiday, right! Well, this summer was no different and more needed than ever before for most of us with the Corona Virus crisis the whole world has been battling its way through.

Many families and couples have had to cancel or postpone their foreign vacations due to travel restrictions and lockdowns meaning one thing, a UK holiday it is then!

UK tourism had the boom of its life with people rushing to book a much-needed break in good old blighty, but with many places selling out and prices reflecting the influx of people wanting to holiday here, it became a painful process searching hundreds of places for availability and a costly one at that for many! But not for holiday homeowners! No, they could sit back relax and know they had their holiday in the bag and without any additional or inflated costs!

Having a holiday home is a great opportunity any year but this year really highlighted its benefits.

Holiday homeowners were first back on to the parks, so were able to holiday straight away and not be sat at home trawling the internet for a summer break.

UK holiday prices had increased dramatically due to the demand, but that did not affect owners, in fact they could reap the benefits of this with higher returns on sub-lettings (unless they wanted to keep it all for themselves!) and pretty much guaranteed full occupancies all summer long.

For many holiday home owners it’s not just about the return on their investment, which was obviously a welcome bonus (who would say no to a little bit extra income) but also about having their own little bolt hole and the flexibility of getting away whenever suits them, and with the new ways of working since Covid reared its ugly head it has given many owners the chance to work from their holiday home, working as normal in the day then living the holiday dream at night. We have also seen many companies allowing flexible working hours meaning being able to condense the working week to 4 days and enjoying longer weekends.

“But next year could be completely different with foreign holidays given the green light” I hear you say! However, we live in a beautiful country full of lush green forests, stunning beaches, vibrant cultures, and holiday makers that usually vacate abroad every year have been blown away with all the UK has to offer and have stated they would definitely be more than happy to holiday in the UK again, and don’t forget these travel companies providing holidays abroad have taken a massive hit to their profits over the past couple of years and will be looking to claw that back, which could only mean price hikes for the holiday maker!

So! If you are toying with the idea of buying your own holiday home, either for your own personal use or as an investment opportunity there has never been a better time to take the leap and become one of the growing elite group of holiday homeowners.

Owning a holiday home at The Sherwood Hideaway gives you the best of both worlds, peace and tranquillity in a natural forest setting, but also with endless activities, shopping and cultural experiences within easy reach, it really does offer it all!

By purchasing with us here at The Sherwood Hideaway you can take advantage of the holiday bookings we have within the lodge and earn valuable income to offset costs whilst also benefitting from using your lodge for wonderful luxury holidays yourself through the year.

If you want to know more about owning a lodge at The Sherwood Hideaway, why not arrange a visit to find out more. You can call our team on 01623 824594 or email